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Begin your 15-day Risk Free Trial of Serenus View

A Powerful, Extreme High Resolution Web-based Viewer and Annotation Tool

Upload, organize and share extremely large images, such as those created by microscope scanners, high resolution cameras, telescopes and other similar systems.  All you need is a web browser.

No Information Technology Needs, No Infrastructure Hassles, and No Contracts

The hosted version SerenusView is located in a robust Cloud environment - protecting sensitive data and providing high availability.  Easy web access.  Anywhere.  Anytime.

You Control Your Data

You control your account, your data and who has access.  All from within the SerenusView user interface.

The Security of Cloud Hosting

Data is secured and backed up with the reliability of Cloud hosting services.

Automatic Monthly Updates

Unlike downloadable viewers and proprietary software, SerenusView is maintenance free and updated every month. Why get stuck with old technology and besides, you'll never need to download an update again.

The Most Value for Your Money

$12/user/month gets you 20GB of storage and all of the features of SerenusView - organizing, sharing, layers, regions of interest and more.

Free Support

Great email based support available 24/7.

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